The Allegory of Abraham’s Two Sons Part 2 (Galatians 4:21-31)

July 21 2024

Topic: Audio

Book: Galatians

The Allegory of Abraham’s Two Sons Part 2 (Galatians 4:21-31)
Audio Download

Scripture: Galatians 4:21-31

07/21/2024 – Galatians Bible Study – Tim Brown –

Paul now continuing his allegory (analogy) cites Isaiah 54:1 in verse 27: He does so because it graphically described the restoration of Israel to the position of favor with the Lord. So, the fruitfulness mentioned in Isaiah 54:1 references the great increase in believers justified by faith in Christ. Paul concludes his allegory by giving his readers 4 application points

  1. Christian believers are children of promise (4:28)
  2. Christian believers are persecuted by those of the flesh (4:29)
  3. Scripture commands the “casting out” of the slave system (4:30)
  4. Christian believers don’t have a  slave mother (4:31)

 No Christian,should allow the subtle arguments of the legalist to place him under the Old Testament system of law or any other scheme, as if one could win God’s verdict of righteousness by performing deeds of law.

 In Christ believers have been set free and are not slaves but sons.