Stand Firm in Freedom (Galatians 5:1-6)

August 11 2024

Topic: Audio

Book: Galatians

Stand Firm in Freedom (Galatians 5:1-6)
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Scripture: Galatians 5:1-6

08/11/2024 – Galatians Bible Study – Tim Brown – The Galatian believers, so recently set free from sin by their trust in Christ, were now acting as though they were still dependent on some system of rules and ceremonies to make them acceptable to God. So, Paul, begins his transition in his letter from doctrinal explanation to practical exhortation by urging the readers to stand firm in their new freedom.

 He does so first by showing –Christ’s purpose in redemption (5:1a)

 1For freedom Christ has set us free; That’s His purpose!

Paul’s 2nd practical exhortation is to resist reenslavement (5:1b–6)