Brian grew up in Mableton, Georgia and received his BA from Berry College in 2002. Though raised in the church, his faith in Jesus Christ, repentance over sin, and pursuit of holiness began in 2004. Brian and his wife Mackenzie were married in 2005. They now have 4 daughters: Clover, Crimson, Indigo, and Jasper. Brian graduated from The Master’s Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity in 2010. Brian also works part time at Cherokee Christian Schools as their Chaplain and Biblical Counselor.
March 5 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Salvation, Sanctification, Submission, The Church
Book: Ephesians
February 26 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Devotion, eternal life, Faithfulness, Holiness, Hopefulness, Love, Loyalty, Righteousness
Book: Revelation
February 19 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Eden, Eternal Kingdom, eternal life, Heaven, Holiness, Kingdom of God, Maranatha, River of Life, Warning
Book: Revelation
February 12 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Eden, Eternal Kingdom, eternal life, Heaven, Holiness, Kingdom of God, New Heaven and Earth, New Jerusalem, River of Life
Book: Revelation
January 29 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Eternal Kingdom, eternal life, Heaven, Holiness, Kingdom of God, New Heaven and Earth, New Jerusalem
Book: Revelation
January 26 2023
Series: College & Career, Other
January 22 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, eternity, Everlasting Life, Glory, Heaven, New Earth, New Heaven, New Jerusalem, Overcome
Book: Revelation
January 15 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Accountability, Audio, Condemnation, Judgment, Lake of Fire, Retribution, Unbelievers
Book: Revelation
January 8 2023
Speaker: Brian Irby
Book: Revelation