Series: Bible Studies, Faith Buiders [Current Series: 50 Chapters Every Christian Should Know]
Topic: Audio, Jesus, Luke
Book: Luke
Drew Lawes
Scripture: Luke 9
Despite instances of pride and faithlessness, a few select disciples are given the chance to witness Jesus’s exalted glory as Moses and Elijah share to Him that He must make His journey to Jerusalem and the cross.
January 5 2025
Series: Bible Studies, Cornerstone [Current Series: 1 Corinthians - Called to be Saints]
Speaker: Richard Goff
Topic: Arrogance, Audio, creation, Resurrection, seeds, skeptics, Wisdom
Book: 1 Corinthians
Series: Bible Studies, Deuteronomy
Speaker: Brian Irby
Topic: Audio, Israel, Love, Mosaic Covenant, Obedience, Righteousness, the Law
Book: Deuteronomy
Series: Bible Studies, Romanos/Español
Speaker: Andrés Jiménez
Topic: Audio
Book: Romans