Lessons from the Life of Abraham related to Galatians (Gal 3:6ff, Gen 12, 15, 22, Rom 4, Heb 11:8-10)

March 17 2024

Topic: Audio, Faith, Obedience

Book: Various

Lessons from the Life of Abraham related to Galatians (Gal 3:6ff, Gen 12, 15, 22, Rom 4, Heb 11:8-10)
Audio Download

Scripture: Various

3/17/2024 – Galatians Bible Study – Kris Brackett – Weak faith becomes mature faith.Weak faith still saves. Disobedience or partial obedience has consequences.
Paul refers to Abraham to prove that justification is by faith alone by showing that Abraham’s faith preceded circumcision by demonstrating the foolishness of trying to supplement faith in order to gain standing with God.