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Faith Builders
A verse by verse study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. This study will focus on the exposition of the doctrine of justification. This brief letter attacks all notions that one’s eternal destiny is dependent on one’s personal actions, participation in rituals, or conformity to group norms. Instead, this letter liberates the believer from slavery to the law and expounds a higher righteousness that is promoted and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit. > > View Series
Words for Life
A verse by verse study of The First Epistle of John. This study will focus on a number of key words used most often in the text. John uses such language to warn the churches of Asia Minor and to encourage genuine Christians.
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Currently this series is studying Paul’s first preserved letter to the troubled church at Corinth provides practical instructions and pointed exhortations to believers who are called by God yet struggling to live out their calling in a corrupt culture. > View Series
Currently going through Deuteronomy. > View Series

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The Great White Throne of Judgement
Greg Brown
One day every person will be judged by God for the life he lived and the verdict will be inescapable. The question remains, are you ready?
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